June 20, 2018 0 Comments


If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, June 21st marks the Summer Solstice aka the first day of SUMMER!!!! . This is the day the sun reaches its highest point and the days become longer than the nights. So go out there and get that Vitamin D. This is a time to celebrate all that life has to offer and to reconnect with yourself and others...i.e. go outside, have fun and watch the sunset!!!  

This is such a special day celebrated by many cultures. In Canada, it's also National Indigenous Peoples Day which is a perfect time to honour our First Nations and get to know, honour and share in their culture.

Do you have Solstice rituals? I'd love to hear about them. Comment below to let me know

You can also enjoy our 24 hour FLASH SALE with DISCOUNT CODE: SOLSTICE


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